96% of parents wanted this surprising feature

Every product designer is looking for that key insight to crack open a market. Ark Global Innovations knew they wanted to turn the pushchair market on its head, but they weren’t sure which insights would be the ones to best define their strategy.

The crux of their approach was creating a product that was designed for the baby’s needs first and also met the detailed requirements of parents. But knowing which features to prioritise led them to Maybe*.

Working closely with their team we used the Maybe* platform to listen to the conversations happening around pushchairs and baby products, helping us understand which topics were important and who to target for this new product.

After defining numerous target audiences, we drafted Facebook ads to draw their attention.

From here, we launched Messenger Chatbots asking questions to unearth the key insights the brand needed.

The response was phenomenal: We reached over 235,000 new and expectant parents who gave us over 20,000 answers to our questions.

What we learnt

  • 100% of those asked want a light-dimming, sun-protecting, heat reflective canopy
  • 97% want to know that their baby is kept at the right temperature
  • 96% would pay more for “naturally fire retardant” materials

And the insights went deeper than that. We were able to learn that most people who take their pushchairs offroad are doing so on a dog walk. Therefore, it became imperative to include photos of dogs and family dog walks on rough terrain in the marketing materials.

Try it for yourself. Click on the Facebook post (one of the many we posted), check out the results, and add a comment to trigger one of the surveys we shared.

"Our company ethos is around Baby-First - this means we do what’s best for baby at every stage of development. However, integral to this is building a product that also meets the needs of parents and caregivers.


The Maybe* platform helped us understand which aspects of our product were most important to our audience and how to message them to ensure cut through in a crowded marketplace.”

- Ben Thompson, CMO and Founder, Ark


'Pushchair' audience sentiment

“Designing a product people want just makes good sense. But involving your audience in the design process, getting them excited and engaged before launch, and ensuring you’re talking to the right people, at the right time, with the right message makes better sense."

"That’s what the Maybe* platform can deliver for any business. There are now tens of thousands of parents anticipating the launch of Ark’s new pushchair, even before the product has landed in the UK.”

- Polly Barnfield OBE, CEO and Founder, Maybe*