How Maybe* uses the Maybe* Engagement tool

We built Maybe* to make engagement easy. While Maybe* insights power what we do next, it’s our engagement strategy which keeps our wheels turning. And to execute that strategy, we eat our own dog food (figuratively of course) and use the Maybe* Engagement tool within the Maybe* platform.

Why use the Maybe* Engagement tool

Our Maybe* social media team uses the Maybe* Engagement tool to stay active in the conversations that matter most to us. We stay connected to our clients, we listen to all the conversations about social media we can wrap our lugs around, and we stay active in conversations about the transformation of the High Street.

We follow and engage with SMEs, councils, BIDs, thought leaders, and influencers because we believe doing so gives us a richer understanding of what people want from our product, and it allows us to help them out. In fact, we spend more time engaging than we do creating content. Not only does it help us serve customers better, but we see higher engagement levels with our own content and consistently positive brand sentiment as a result.

The Maybe* engagement tool in action

How to use the Maybe* Engagement tool

Let’s break it down. The Maybe* Engagement tool is split into six tabs.

First up is your Ads. This allows you to connect your Facebook Ads manager so you can manage your ad campaigns and respond to comments all in one place. But more on that here.

Then, it's your posts. This is everything you’ve published across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, complete with the engagement metrics recorded against each post. Sort this by most engaging to see what’s worked best for you.

Next is your Social Inbox. This is anything you’ve been mentioned in. This is automatically sorted by ‘newest’. So you can prioritise anything for your attention.

The Engage tab is all about listening to hashtags or other social media users you want to connect with. For Maybe* this is businesses, retail experts, social media experts, and all sorts of hashtag conversations we want to either learn more or connect more with.

Introducing Monitor. This is where you might want to get a bit sneaky and keep tabs on the competition. It’s for conversations we’re interested in, but don’t necessarily want a voice in, yet. Clever, eh?

And finally, Recommended. This is where we recommend conversations you might want to add to your Engage tab based on your content, who’s engaging with you and conversations similar to who you’re already listening to.

So there’s a place for everything, and everything is in its place. 

Using the Maybe* Engagement tool

Key takeaway

Engaging with your followers and customers allows you to build a deeper and more personal relationship with them and fosters customer retention, loyalty and advocates. Engaging with other businesses, influencers and participating in the conversations about topics most relevant to you and your business helps get you in on the action so you can benefit from increased visibility, reach and the acquisition of new customers.

Maybe* is a collaborative social media management platform that provides engagement tools, actionable insights, reports and access to training that enables organisations to make social media work for them.