Cinque Terre

Cheltenham - 22 September 2020

Maybe* drives game changing uplift of 994% in social media sales for independent retailer Keith Scarrott

Keith Scarrott Shoes has been using the Maybe* platform to drive social media sales since 2018. The family-run shoe boutique has been trading for 45 ye...

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Ipswich - 22 September 2020

Coes department store smashes ad revenue targets with Maybe* social media advertising tool

Coes is an independent, third generation family-run department store with five stores in the South East of the UK. Coes used the Maybe* social media ad...

Cotswolds - 22 September 2020

Law & Co takes its social media strategy and revenue to the next level with Maybe*

Denise Law, founder of indie fashion boutique Law & Co, caught our attention with her fantastic Instagram stories. Already a dab hand at social med...

PLACE - 28 July 2020

How to find the best performing social media post. Focus: Swindon

Earlier this month the pubs and the salons swung open their doors, so in order to show off our Best Performing Post tool, we went on a virtual trip to...

Case study - 30 June 2020

What a difference a week makes: How one indie retailer turbocharged their sales by 110% in just 7 days

When you’re making an investment, be it time or money, you want to see a return . . . and fast. But if like so many other retailers you’re throwing...