How the Pudstore leveraged TikTok for its best performing post
We’re big fans of indie retailer The Pudstore. Founded by a former Apprentice contestant, the Pudstore operates a famous Facebook group and has been ...
Covid-19 - 1 May 2020
How Primark is increasing customer engagement with its doors closed
On March 23, 2020 Primark’s doors closed. With no online store, it’s monthly sales went from £650million to a big fat zero. Despite this...
Covid-19 - 7 April 2020
How Maybe* helps BIDs support their levy payers
For High Streets to recover from COVID-19 they require an agile communication strategy that adapts with the changing circumstances. The ability to co...
Case study - 6 April 2020
Why Maybe* for crowdfunders
Social media channels are packed with potential supporters for your Crowdfunder campaign. Maybe* will help you find these supporters across Facebook, T...
Case study - 2 April 2020
What makes Maybe* different?
The tech market is awash with social media tools to support marketers and business owners to manage and improve their digital presence. So what makes M...