How businesses can embrace the #enjoysummersafely campaign with great social media content

Last week the UK government announced its #enjoysummersafely campaign - to drive people back to the shops in a safe manner.   We want to show businesses how they can promote the campaign in a creative but reassuring way for customers, many of which are still anxious to hit the High Street. We’ve taken the best social media post from the #enjoysummersafely conversation so you can learn from it, and put some top tips to practical use.

Visit Peak District encourages visitors to #Enjoysummersafely

Visit Peak District is responsible for growing tourism in the region. Travel and tourism like most industries lost significant trade through the spring and early summer months and is doing all it can to welcome back visitors. The Peak District is no different.

Visit Peak District shows off the beauty and charm of the area with gorgeous imagery, making sure to share the love by crediting the photographer, who in turn is then likely to share the post.

The post also includes the link to book your visit, as well as the usual hashtags including the wider Visit Britain and Visit England tags alongside #enjoysummersafely.

How to replicate this technique

Hashtags are not just for you to add to your content. They provide great inspiration when you choose to listen to them.

Perhaps like Visit Peak District, you might happen across a local photographer, or a recent tourist who’s created imagery you want to use and credit. Using and crediting user generated content is a fantastic way to build loyalty and deepen a relationship with your audience. It all starts with listening to the right conversations.

How to add a hashtag conversation to the Maybe* platform

Get your free #enjoysummersafely conversation

The #enjoysummersafely conversation is currently available to everyone for free in the Maybe* platform.

You can follow and engage with the conversation at a national level or just in your location to show support for the other businesses in your town and place.

How to get your free conversations

Key takeaway

Everyone wants to support local businesses this summer and safety is front of mind for everyone. Tuning into the conversation and engaging with it helps you create content that works and reassures your customers at the same time.

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