Cinque Terre

Industry news - 18 July 2021

Instagram sharing gets simpler in the latest social media news

Instagram sharing looks set to get a whole lot easier as Instagram tests sharing functionality from Stories. The app is also rethinking its approach to...

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Industry news - 13 July 2021

Social media news – TikTok becomes the most downloaded social media app

From the continued rise in popularity of social media app TikTok, to the advancing features on Twitter, Clubhouse and YouTube, social media is moving a...

Industry news - 6 July 2021

Improving your Instagram ads just got easier in this week’s social media news

Phew, there is so much happening all the time in the social media universe, it can feel impossible to keep up. We’ve got you covered though, and have...

Industry news - 29 June 2021

What’s new in social media this week? Instagram’s desktop expansion and Shops arrive on WhatsApp and more

It can be a crazy task to try and keep up with the ever-evolving world of social media. So, we’ve pulled together some of the top, recent headlines. ...

Industry news - 17 June 2021

What’s new in social media this week: Instagram algorithm insights and TikTok shopping

With constant updates in the world of social media, we know how hard it can be to keep on top of everything. We have done the hard work for you and pul...