Three simple things to support your local businesses during COVID-19

These are unprecedented times. As such, many a business plan has gone completely out of the window, and businesses both large and small are diversifying in order to keep their heads above water.  As a customer, there are things you can do to help your local businesses stay afloat over the coming months. As a business, you can encourage your customers to remain engaged with you, even while you are unable to provide your usual services.

Gift vouchers

Gift vouchers are a great way of both ensuring some revenue, and guaranteed custom once lockdown has ended. If you are able to do so, consider purchasing a gift voucher for yourself, family, or friends to enjoy once the business has resumed normal trading. Businesses, check out the free fundraising Pay it Forward campaign from Crowdfunder - you can presell products and services that can be redeemed at a later date.

Like and share, share, share

Do you follow your favourite businesses on social? Keeping a social media profile going during lockdown is a brilliant way to stay connected with customers. Businesses will want to keep in touch with you, but may be feeling vulnerable at the moment, so give them a boost and engage with their content when you can. Now is not the time to be reserved - if you are enjoying the content that someone is putting out there, then shout about it! Hit that like button, add comments, and definitely share with your friends. If you’d do it for a larger brand, make a point of doing so for smaller set-ups, too.

Businesses, you know your ideal customer best. Stay connected and keep your audience engaged now, so that they are ready and waiting once you are able to resume trading. Keep your content varied; it needn’t be all about your business! Give your audience the opportunity to see your lighter side. Are you yearning to showcase a secret talent, or do you have a party piece you love to share? You may have been waiting for the right time to have some fun on your channels, perhaps. We’re all spending more time on our phones at the moment, so the time is now, and your audience is ready and waiting for you. Share away!

Leave reviews

In the online world, reviews are still gold. A bad review can make or break a small business, particularly in at the moment. If you’ve had a good experience, make it known.  When people are spending less and wondering where to invest their hard-earned cash, a positive endorsement can really give a business a boost (not to mention that there will be a human being doing a happy dance when they receive your glowing review!).

Businesses, encourage your followers to leave reviews - let them know what it means to you. If people understand that their actions have an impact, they are more likely to engage! Finally, ensure you respond to reviews promptly and politely!

If you’re struggling to manage your team or stay inspired and connected at home, Maybe* is providing free business resources and webinars to organisations. Check out our Coronavirus help centre for tips on staying connected via social media, and managing your business remotely.