Charity content and acts of kindness drive engagement on social media. Businesses can easily use channels to connect to local organisations and individuals in need. Pledging your support via social media, and showing the community how you are invested builds deeper connections and genuine loyalty for local businesses with customers. This year more than ever, the season of goodwill, need not be reserved for December alone.
Maybe* is committed to supporting local recovery across the UK and demonstrating how towns and cities can utilise all that social media has to offer to drive engagement, footfall and ultimately sales. This week we’re off to Wealden to show how businesses in the town are using social media and to flag the tactics that you can replicate to boost your own area.
Maybe* Place Insights allows you to benchmark the social media activity, posts, engagement, sentiment and conversation topics of all businesses within your place. When you know what the local conversation sounds like in any town or place, you can replicate the successful tactics no matter where you are.