The insights unearthed from DIY conversation on social media

We’ve been listening to the online conversation around DIY to see what retailers could learn about trends and attitudes to home improvement projects, and what this might mean for their customer’s behaviour.

The clocks have sprung forward, we’ve got two bank holidays under our belts, and those evenings are getting lighter. And it would seem that the increase in sunshine, warmer temperatures, and the freshness of the season are inspiring us to initiate our DIY projects.

Given the change in season, it may come as no surprise that within the DIY conversation, it’s gardening, garden centres and plants that feature the most prominently.

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'What’s being said' report showing the words most commonly used in the DIY and Hardware conversation.
What is your audience saying?

DIY does not 'spark joy'

When we dig a little deeper into the conversation, we can get a sense of what is driving customer conversation around gardening and wider DIY, and how customers feel about it.

We may be forgiven for thinking that with the approach to the Great British Summer, there would be some excitement, but actually, there’s as much negativity as there is positive sentiment in the conversation.

'How they feel' report showing how the DIY and Hardware discussion is both positive and negative.
How does your audience feel?

It turns out that trips to the garden centre can often cause pain points. Probe further, and we see that the stress of the shopping experience, and the impact on wildlife and the environment provide the context as to why a hobby that brings such joy, can easily become a grumble.

Environmental and cost-conscious consumers fuel the DIY conversation

As well as informing shopping habits and attitudes to retailers, concerns about the environment play a part in why customers undertake gardening and DIY to begin with. As well as this environmentally aware customer, we also see cost conscious customers in this space. Retailers should consider these angles when creating content focusing on trends for handmade, crafting, upcycling, and saving money.

Many of the influencers in the conversation come from deals and discount providers.


'Who's got influence' report showing who has the most influence in the DIY and Hardware discussion.
Who influences the conversation around your business?

But in addition to those influencers with a DIY deal to share, we also see that organisations and charities such as MND Manchester often use garden centre space to host charity events, coffee mornings and lunches.

There is an online contingent of DIY, gardeners and crafters so retailers could benefit from hosting events for the community to make things together, plant together and connect. This approach has worked well for national retailers like Hobbycraft and Maplin, so if premises size permits, this could be a great way to attract footfall as well as increase social engagement with content.

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