Like all shopping centres across the UK, Chesterfield’s Vicar Lane closed its doors and non-essential retail outlets in late March 2020. This was likely followed by some extensive head scratching by the management team who were now tasked with keeping the centre front of mind in the community, despite being closed for an indefinite period. Tricky.
They quickly recognised that their bustling social media channels were still the place to be, so the centre started to use their accounts to stay connected to customers, highlight its independent retailers’ online offerings, and drive engagement with inspiring initiatives to support the NHS. In addition, the centre has offered contests and activities for its shoppers to engage with remotely, ensuring they have stayed in front of mind in a positive manner within the area.
We’ve taken a look at how Vicar Lane has continued to engage customers and maintained its positive reputation within the local community across social media, despite having its doors closed due to COVID-19.