The impact of lockdown by business sector; only 28% of SMEs are active on social media

In all towns and cities across the UK, there has been a consistent drop off in social media activity by businesses during the lockdown.

During this same time Maybe* increased its activity from monitoring 300k businesses to 2.9m on a daily basis.

This report looks at how the percentage of businesses active on social has also changed throughout lockdown. This data has then been broken down by sector, to look for sector-specific trends in those most affected by lockdown measures, and those that were able to open early.

This is an excerpt of a report compiled by Maybe* for the  High Streets Task Force

SMEs still lagging in social media uptake

Pre COVID SMEs were lagging in social media uptake - this data shows that this problem is increasing. Before Lockdown only 40%  of SMEs were active on social media - that has now fallen to 28%.

Analysis of businesses that have increased their social media activity during lockdown reveals that they have traded well - look at Primark as a great case study and a similar trend can be seen amongst SMEs that are active on social media.

Maybe* research has revealed many businesses who are trading well as a result of there social media activity


Percentage of organisations active on social media (7-day moving average).

Fashion sector takes the hardest hit

When you look at the sector breakdown it reveals that the fashion sector appears harder hit when just looking at indies. Overall there are trends of increased activity from 01 Jun, in particular for beauty and health and fitness. 

In general, chains appear to have maintained a much higher and stable percentage of activity. For bars and restaurants, there is an overall steady increase in activity, after the initial drop at the end of March. Leisure and entertainment for chains have recovered well after an initial drop to zero activity at the start of the lockdown.


Percentage of chain organisations active on social media (7-day moving average) by sector.

This is an excerpt of a report created for MHCLG by Maybe* as a Consortium Partner of the High Street Task Force.