Unwrapping the online conversation about shopping for gifts

Choosing the perfect gift for a loved one is a fun experience for some. But if you’re not the kind to take joy in the present buying process, don’t have a clue where to start, or have a habit of leaving things to the last minute, then sometimes you might want a little help.

We unwrapped the sentiment behind the gifting conversation and discovered there’s a steady amount of negativity apparently driven by the stress of gift shopping.  Independent gift shops are in a great position to offer a bespoke, personal recommendation service showcasing their offering.

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The Maybe* ‘How they feel’ graph demonstrating whether conversations around gifting are positive or negative.
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Indies are well placed to drop into last minute conversations

On those last minute occasions, it might be tempting to fall back on a gift card, but we see lots of chatter about present ideas, or how to give gifts that centre around spending time together.

There is a trend for handmade and unique gifts, and indies are well placed to drop into conversations about last minute shopping or not knowing what to buy to provide some helpful and personal advice, that also presents their unique offering.

The What’s Being Said Report from Maybe* highlights the terms used most frequently in any conversation.
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A tailored and personal approach builds relationships

Showcasing recommendations with pictures and a tailored personal approach helps indies build a relationship with those who are seeking inspiration and ideas, as well as people looking to support local businesses.

To see regular webinars and updates on the conversation about gifting and to see how your social media performance is faring, sign up to your free trial of the Maybe* platform to learn what your customers are saying about you online and how you can better target your ads, your approach, and your messages.