Help retailers solve the Christmas conundrum – take our shopping survey

Earlier this month we got 14,000 responses to how people were planning to shop this Christmas. Only 30% said they were going to shop local.

You're making your lists and checking them twice . . .  but are you planning to head to the shops to make your Christmas purchases any time soon, or at all?

That's the Christmas conundrum for every retailer as they prepare for one of the bleakest Christmases in British retail history. Please take part in the survey, it will take you less than 2 mins and opens in Messenger.

Please share your Christmas Shopping plans

New social distancing guidelines along with the introduction of the tier system has cast even more doubt over the 'Christmas shopping as normal' retailer pipe dream.

So, to help retailers understand the emerging Christmas shopping trends, we're re-running our popular Christmas survey and hope you'll help us help them by sparing a minute or two to take the short survey.

The last survey provided vital insight for retailers to understand how best to cater to the expectations of the nation's shoppers. You can see the results here.

By profiling shoppers' Christmas shopping trends, attitudes and behaviours in 2020, we can share that data with businesses, councils, BIDs and Shopping Centres across the UK so that they can prepare for festive success in the challenging climate.

We are re-opening our Christmas Survey so that we can support businesses continually evolve and adapt their Christmas plans to trade and serve customers for maximum success this winter.

So please get involved by taking our quick and easy Christmas survey, and with a bit of luck you'll end up on Santa's nice list. Please take part in the survey, it will take you less than 2 mins and opens in Messenger.

Please share your Christmas Shopping plans