Industry news

Maybe* teams up with BT Skills for Tomorrow to help businesses bring people back to the High Street

With retail restrictions beginning to ease, many businesses need a helping hand in encouraging shoppers back to the High Street. A recent Maybe* survey...


Comparing retail’s social media performance during lockdown

With UK retail gradually re-opening, Maybe* has compared the social media data of the top 100 UK retailers in terms of their social media output. We’...


Will Chesterfield shoppers flock to the stores as retail reopens?

It’s been nearly three long months since retail shut up shop, but there’s light at the end with the Government announcing that non-essential retail...


Fashion’s best performing post on social media

Vogue! What are you looking at?! Maybe* loves a fashion-off. We recently highlighted what Primark has been up to, to keep shoppers engaged through lock...

Product updates

Using the Maybe* Report Builder

Reporting on social media has always been a bit of a minefield. If, like many, you’re constantly wondering how your social media content is stacking ...