
Focus on: The social media conversation in Edinburgh

Google has been using behavioural data to support health officials understand the response to social distancing guidelines. A case study in Edinburgh h...


What does the online conversation around working remotely reveal?

January 2020 seems like an eternity ago. But three short months later we’re all here, finding ourselves in this strange new world. The way we live, s...

Case studies

How Maybe* helps BIDs support their levy payers

For High Streets to recover from COVID-19 they require an agile communication strategy that adapts with the changing circumstances.  The ability to co...

Case studies

Why Maybe* for crowdfunders

Social media channels are packed with potential supporters for your Crowdfunder campaign. Maybe* will help you find these supporters across Facebook, T...

Case studies

What makes Maybe* different?

The tech market is awash with social media tools to support marketers and business owners to manage and improve their digital presence. So what makes M...