“Independent retailers are being urged to get back onto social media and re-engage with local customers after new data revealed the extent of the drop-off since lockdown ended," that's the message from Talking Retail off the back of insights from Maybe*.
There are few better feelings than knowing your message is getting through. At Maybe*, we're committed to helping businesses understand the value social can play in driving them forwards. So, it's understandably been a challenge to see so many small businesses taking their foot off the gas on social when they need to be engaging more now than ever before.
This message has resonated this week with the release of our latest insight showing that though consumers average more than three hours on social media per day, only 43% of independent retailers are active on social media on a daily basis, dropping to just 5% in some towns. In addition, the release of the 'What Shoppers Want report has highlighted shoppers' apprehension around returning to stores.
It's great to see publications including Talking Retail, SME Magazine , and B Daily News joining Maybe* in encouraging independent retailers to harness the power of social media to engage with potential shoppers, build customer loyalty and build confidence around returning to shops.