Product updates: End of January

As we come to the end of the month we have seen a host of new features go live on the Maybe* platform. In this post, we'll give you a personal tour of the latest product updates and let you know what's coming next.

Ad spend

You can now see your ad spend on the ‘Report builder.’ You can click on the graph and see the ads that are responsible for the spend.    

This feature went live and started recording data on 22nd January so if you had your ad manager connected you should start seeing data from the  23rd January. If you connect it now you will start to see your ad spend tomorrow - it updates at midnight every day and it shows you how much you spent the day before. Find out more about our Report builder here

Paid and Organic Engagement

You can now filter your engagement and posts by Paid and Organic so you can see the break down.

Posts that contain your website will now be in your social inbox 

Before we could only pick up posts if they mentioned you directly but now if they link to your website you will see it in your ‘Social inbox’. Make sure your website is on your profile under ‘Settings’ and ‘Your details’ to benefit from this new feature.

In development

  • Reach statistics for all Facebook and Instagram Paid and Organic posts.
  • Maybe* app, so you can engage and listen to conversations on the move.
  • Automatically listen to accounts that mention you on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram for 72 hours.


We love hearing from our users. Please let us know any feedback or suggestions for features by hitting the blue message button in the lower right corner.