A lockdown guide to closing sales using social media

Let’s set the scene - Maybe* is an SME just like 99.9% of other UK businesses. 

Today we are a team that works remotely across four continents and multiple time zones. We offer a social media engagement platform and provide social media training. Pre-pandemic we would meet clients face to face, but now our service is delivered remotely. We've adapted.

As a service provider, a lot of our clients are out of their offices at the moment, handling their own crisis communications and re-forecasting their budgets to offset economic uncertainty. It’s frightening for everyone. So we understand if you’re in the same boat.

In a lockdown, closing sales may take longer than you are used to, signatures on a dotted line may not be forthcoming immediately, or you may lose opportunities completely. We’re here to help you in the meantime. 

Listen to conversations about Coronavirus, COVID19, and the industry within which you operate.
This will help you build a picture of what are the most pressing concerns. Listening to conversations informs your own content. Engaging with these conversations will allow you to maintain relationships and display empathy.

Engage with your clients with empathy
If you know what your clients are personally going through, you can demonstrate genuine care and adopt a problem solving mindset. This level of service is indicative of the type of supplier you will become. Care about the person behind the decision that closes sales for you. Kindness afterall, is always free.

Revise your existing advertising
Manage your advertising, refine your advertising targeting so that your warm leads keep you front of mind. Reviewing your current live messaging will help you avoid insensitive pitfalls.

Monitor your competitors
Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing, You may find that your competitors are extending free trial windows, discounting access or products, or simply highlighting and promoting the features they have at their disposal to best serve customers at this time.

Be of service
Ensuring your own content is relevant, ensuring that it is useful and being mindful that your urgency is not the priority. Instead focus on what clients might need in the meantime. Could you recommend a whitepaper about best practice relevant to them, could you create and promote a tailored RFP for your services over this challenging time, could you make yourself available to hold meetings remotely?

Closing sales

Closing sales in the pipeline will be difficult at the moment. Use this time to really focus on the activities and service you excel at to protect the retention of your existing customers and leads. Helping others, empathy and being of service, will help you in the long term.

Social Media is a valuable tool that helps you stay connected to your clients and customers. The Maybe* platform allows you to engage and prioritise messages to you and from you, and manage interactions. 

Are you staying connected on social media?

Sign up to Maybe* and stay connected to your customers on social media.