How to get started on Social Media

Social media offers exciting new potential for all businesses large and small. It is one of the most popular online activities and current projections expect c 3.1 billion users worldwide in 2021 (about 45% of the worldwide population)

It's not surprising then that customers increasingly have an expectation of being able to research and engage with a brand or business using social media and companies not servicing these channels will be falling short.

How to get started on Social Media

Think about your ‘sociable brand’

Most people think of a business’s brand being all about how it looks on paper or on screen - the logo, it’s colours, the tone of voice.  For social media you want to bring the brand personality to the fore - is your ‘sociable brand’ serious in tone or light hearted? Are you wanting to be fun and entertaining with content or more serious and positioning the business as thought leaders?

Innocent use a light hearted tone and talk to their audience about topics often unrelated to their product which keeps their followers engaged. 


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Who is your target audience?

To understand the right tone of voice for your brand think about who you want to talk to and your ideal customer. How do they like to engage? 

By profiling your audiences and building out a few ‘user personas’ you can really get under the skin of what makes them tick. How do your interests overlap and on what subjects could you connect?

Farrow and Ball know their audiences love interiors and home design so they create content around this. 

Take a look here at their clever take on #BlueMonday.


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What kind of content does your audience want?

Remember, no one is going to want to follow you if your content is always tring to sell your product. 

Create content that will be useful to your followers - it could be tips on how to use your product, how other people are using it or even highlighting trends within your industry. 

Think about how you can associate your business with subjects on social media where you know your audiences hang out.

Take a look at Hobbycraft who know that parents find it hard to keep their children entertained during the holidays and have cleverly tapped into that conversation with ideas to keep them busy.

Which social media channel is right for your business?

Once you’re clear on your ‘sociable brand’, who your target audience is and the kind of content they’re interested in, you can choose the social media channel/channels to suit. 

Twitter offers you a more conversational style of conent, where as Instagramfocussing more on curated images.  Ensure you put your effort where it’s likely to have the most impact. 

Here we explore choosing the best platform for your business.

Social Media guide to getting started

Maybe* hosts a library of articles each covering a bite size piece of learning so you can lean in where you need the support most in the time you have available.

Use our channel 'getting started' guides if you're brand new to social media.

Getting started with Twitter

Getting started with Instagram

Getting started with Facebook

If you're already using these platforms but are looking for support to work your channels harder, check out our 'Getting better on Social Media' guides.

Getting better on Twitter

Getting better on Instagram

Getting better on Facebook

Help Desk Maybe

Explore more social media help articles

Here's why social is important to your customers

How to offer a fully rounded customer service experience using social media.

What's your story

People would rather learn about a business through an article than an ad.

Do you size up

A few simple tips to create a great first impression on your social media feeds.

What do I post when I'm unsure what to post

Don't worry, great content isn't hard to find. Here's a step by step guide to keep your content flowing.

Thank your audience for following

Some social media etiquette explored.

Get involved locally

Small businesses work well together to promote each other.

Stay active on social

Staying active on your social media channels is vital if you want to build an engaged audience.

It's about relationships not followers

Focusing on building relationships online helps to build an effective, loyal social media community.

Engage your followers

Make personal connections to build lasting relationships with your customers.

How to build an active community on social media

A few simple tips to help build an active community online.

Share what you know

Share your valued business expertise using your social media channels.

Start a conversation

How questions lead to engagement.

How to make your posts shareable

Here's how to encourage people to share your social media posts.

Asking your customers to share their purchases

Widen your audience by asking your customers to share their latest purchases on their own channels.

The Maybe* benchmarking tool allows you to see who’s been building their audience and creating the most social media content. The Maybe* UK business index compares your social media activity with other businesses in your town, region, sector or industry. Our completely customisable indexing feature is 100% free and open to everyone.  Get started for free.