Free Christmas Trail and Shopping Guide for every UK High Street

Are you struggling to engage your customers and shoppers without the usual draw of grottos and Christmas light switch ons? Maybe* is here to help you this Christmas with our new live 'shop local' Guides and a fast to deploy, safe, Christmas trail for you to engage shoppers with this season.

The campaign can be deployed by simply downloading the posters and pinning them up around your town. Everything is done for you! We are providing all the assets and marketing materials you need to make it happen. IMPORTANTLY, it also gives every shopper a live guided tour of your town.

Every shopper that scans the QR code will not just be entered to win they will also immediately be presented with a live virtual Guide of your town that will encourage them to explore more businesses.

Each Guide has been complied by Maybe* from Google My Business and Instagram data. It updates in real time. Retailers can add additional Rewards through the Local Rewards module in Maybe*.


Vicar Lane, Chesterfield

Covent Garden, London

Putney, London

But, they work for ANYWHERE in the UK.

Please sign in to Maybe* and collect your marketing pack. It's ready to go.

A free QR code poster trail for every UK High Street that links to a Shopping Guide.

Maybe* is helping High Streets by providing a free QR code poster trail for every UK High Street, encouraging shoppers to explore safely and giving them a chance to win £500 to spend on their local High Street. You have posters and social media posts ready to go along with a  prepopulated virtual guide of your town.

After what has been the worst year on record for many retailers the remaining shopping days till Christmas are critical to bolstering sales. This is an easy way to help them.

Christmas trail

Each scan on the poster reveals a letter and a live personal Shopping Guide for every shopper on every UK High Street

Once the shopper scans the QR code they are also presented with a way to discover your town. This is ready and live now for EVERY TOWN in the country.