Maybe* webinars for BIDs: Reconnecting BIDS to levy payers and consumers

Maybe* helps BIDs and businesses amplify their collective voices with ready made virtual High Street Guides that update automatically every day.

Each High Street Guide promotes each of your BID levy payers' social media content; their opening times; website and their specific "Opening Safely" measures.

There is a Guide ready for you now and the webinar below explains more about Maybe* and how the High Street Guides can work for you.

Watch as we show you step-by-step how to:

1. Support each of your levy payers digitally
2. Encourage each of your levy payers to increase their promotion of your town
3. A simple way to reward shoppers and measure the results of in-store sales

Please book a meeting so we can show you how to support all of your Levy payers on a daily basis.

Re-watch the 'Reconnecting BIDs to levy payers and consumers'

With the Maybe* platform, you don’t have to be a social media pro to increase traffic and sales.


? Grab yourself a Maybe* account and join the conversation. It's a powerful but easy to use social media management platform that helps you increase traffic and sales.