Cinque Terre

PLACE - 18 October 2020

Charity content and acts of kindness drive engagement on social media

Charity content and acts of kindness drive engagement on social media. Businesses can easily use channels to connect to local organisations and indivi...

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- 12 October 2020

Webinar: Rudolph still set to fly this Christmas

No matter what the pandemic throws at us this Christmas, Rudolph is here to reassure you that he fully intends to fly as usual. In short, Christmas isn...

- 1 October 2020

Webinar: A new solution to Shopping Centres woes

Imagine if you could track the performance of every promotion. Well, now you can. There is a lot of pressure right now on rents, justifying service cha...

PLACE - 25 September 2020

How local businesses can pay it forward in the place conversation online

Conversation about place make Maybe* tick. We’re passionate about helping towns and cities harness social media so all businesses in a place can ben...

Billericay - 25 September 2020

How independent fashion retailers can buck national trends on social

Since lockdown we’ve observed a worrying drop off in the use of social media by independent retailers. Pre-lockdown, 40% of indies were active on so...